Sunday 23 June 2013

Getting ready to go

My family and I have all decided to go  travelling in a caravan for about 2 to 3 years.  So we have to sell everything including the HORSES and buy a caravan.  We are going to put some stuff into storage.

    Horses.  Ned creamy.  Johnny brown.  Pokey small grey.                        

Friday 31 May 2013

Doggy holidays

Today it is pouring with rain and my big sister Jari is up with her great dane puppy Clover and we have to look after the great dane puppy for 2 months because my big sister is going across the other side of the world for here 21st birthday.
This is Jari and Clover.

Thursday 21 February 2013

My pony

I picked up my new pony Pokey on February the 4 on Monday 2013.  She is the best pony so far. I have taken her over some jumps and lots of other things too.

She is a dapple gray and has a spotty back.  She is a 12 y old and is very cute.  She is nice to ride but a little hard to canter.  She is quit and easy to handle.  Pokey is a barrel racer but I have never bin in a barrel racer in my life.  She loves kids and won't go any where with out Ned our other horse.  SHe will walk trot and stop when you ask her too.  As she is only 10.2h high.  She would rather just do a fast trot then canter.  She is fine the bush and in open spaces.  She is a little stubborn to float but after she's in she is fine.

                                                      Ned and pokey

Taya,Ned,pokey and I